Medical Billing

Made Simple

For Doctors

A more efficient way for Doctors to get paid by Patients, Medicare and Health Funds

For Billing Providers

Make it easy for your clients to send you accurate billing data so you can bill faster and with less errors.

For Software Developers

Reduce your development time using our SimpliCare API for ECLIPSE Claiming

About SimpliCare

SimpliCare exists because we believe that healthcare technology can, and should be made simple.

Established in 2016 by experienced healthcare technology professionals, SimpliCare creates software to help doctors and medical practices deliver timely and efficient care. We blend the latest technologies with the best user experience to deliver solutions that just work.

Introducing SimpliClaim

SimpliClaim is a cloud based medical billing app. We make it easier for Australia's 30,000 medical specialists to bill efficiently and spend more time caring for their parents.

Bill Anywhere

Cloud based app (smartphone and web) so doctors can bill electronically from anywhere. No more scanning and emailing billing sheets.

No Errors

Smart Billing in our app prevents billing errors, making it easier, faster and cheaper for doctors to bill for their work and get paid on time.

Full Transparency

We allow doctors to take back control of their billing. Our app provides transparency to doctors on their earnings and billing activity.

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